Republic Day

At ADRX PRIVATE LIMITED, we had come together with pride to celebrate Republic Day on January 26th. This special day holds great meaning for our nation, signifying unity and the spirit of freedom. It's a joyous occasion that reflects our shared values, and we're proud to commemorate Republic Day as a part of our annual festivities.

Republic Day

Celebration Details

"At ADRX PRIVATE LIMITED, we stand united in pride and patriotism, celebrating the essence of democracy and freedom on Republic Day."

  • Celebration Date

    26th January 2024

  • Office Decoration

    In a memorable past Republic Day celebration,we all employees came together to deck our office spaces with the tricolor and other thematic elements. We collaborated enthusiastically, infusing our workspaces with creative decor. This collective effort not only symbolized our shared pride but also created a festive and unified atmosphere that reflected the spirit of our Republic Day celebrations.

  • Flag Hoisting Ceremony

    At the heart of our Republic Day celebration is the flag-hoisting ceremony. With pride, we, the employees, gathered to watch the national flag being raised, symbolizing our commitment to justice, liberty, equality, and unity. Completing the flag hoisting, we stood together and sang the national anthem—a collective tribute to the values that bind us as a nation. It wasn't just a ceremony; it was a heartfelt promise to uphold these principles that make our nation stron.

  • Cultural Programs:

    At our past Republic Day gatherings, we took turns speaking individually about a chosen topic. Alongside these talks, we also enjoyed some light-hearted indoor games. This mix of personal reflections and playful activities made our celebration memorable, fostering a sense of togetherness and fun among us.

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